Saturday, 6 December 2014

Mani Swap with Ithi from Ithinity Beauty!

Hi readers!

I did my second mani swap!! This time it's with the lovely Ithi from Ithinity Beauty :)

She always has such cute designs (you HAVE to gee see her snow leopard here!) andI love reading her posts, where she tells you a bit about herself and her plans too :) I recently discovered she LOOOOVES sushi and I love sushi too, so we immediately bonded over that :D (any other sushi lovers out here?)

I picked her Pigment Splash nails to recreate, and she chose my Minty Windows.

Her Pigment Splash nails are actually made with a unique technique, which I've only ever seen on her blog: you take some loose pigment (like eye shadow powder) and tap it onto your wet nails. Then you blow it around, and seal everything in with clear top coat. You can find a tutorial about it here on Ithi's page. It looks very very cool!

So I set to work, following her tutorial. I did two coats of Blackout by Maybelline, and then I added loose eye shadow on top. I used turquoise, blue and purple. That really didn't look like her design, so I added a spray water marble with black polish on top. And well, it still doesn't look like Ithi's design :D

Mine look more like an oil tanker which sunk in the ocean and left a huge pool of oil on top of the water. Which is kind of a cool look too I suppose! The difference in look might have to do with the strength of the pigment?

Like I said, Ithi recreated my Minty Windows, and I think she did such an amazing job!! The funny thing is that she doesn't think her recreation looks that great (it is! it is great!) but loves my recreation, and I don't like my recreation but love hers! ;)

You can go see Ithi's recreation on her blog here!

Here's a collage of both our designs - originals on the left, and recreations on the right!

I clearly have to practice the pigment technique A LOT to get the beautiful result Ithi got :D

Thanks for reading everyone! And don't forget to browse around on Ithi's blog, you will be amazed by her creativity!


  1. I have to check out this technique - I like how you both did it :)

    1. Thank you! It's a very cool technique indeed!

  2. Great mani I really like it :-)

  3. Wow, looks super cool. I once tried this technique too, but it didn't worked out well. Maybe I give it a second chance!

    1. Thank you Franzi! Hehe I'm going to try this technique sometime again too and hope that I can improve ;)

  4. I totally loved your recreation of the pigment manicure! I think you did an amazing job and I love the spray marble on top - I would never have thought of that! Thank you for taking part in the swap with me it was so much fun to create your minty window nails - I found it so challenging and still wonder how you got all your lines so perfect! <3 xx

    1. Thank you so much Ithi! I only had to improvise with the spray marble because mine looked like a big pigmented mess otherwise lol :D Honestly, your minty nails look great! Your lines are as straight as mine were, don't worry!

  5. oooo that sounds like so much fun I will have to try this! What are you both like not liking your own recreations! I think they are both amazing, they look fab! xxx

    1. Hehe thank you Emily!! Yeah you definitely need to try the pigment technique! :)


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